Religious kids not brainwashed properly, says Islington council

Baitul Futuh mosque, England crop

Council inadvertently sums up absurd notion of “religious” child.

Islington council’s decision to stop serving sausages at its schools is a story purpose-built to provoke the right-wing press into a mouth-foaming rage along the old themes of nationhood, multiculturalism and political correctness.

The comments on the Daily Mail and Guido Fawkes were as predictable as they were spectacular, whilst many on Twitter and Reddit happily weighed in on the other side with equal vitriol.

Yet amid the denouncements for what seems likely to have been a simple cost cutting measure, few seem to have noticed the curious council statement at the close of the Islington Gazette’s report:

Young children, some as young as four-years-old, of different religious and ethnic backgrounds may not know which foods contain pork, or may not realise the importance of avoiding it due to their culture or beliefs.

What a wonderful piece of absurdity.

Picture – Muffingg.

Jimmy Nicholls
Writes somewhat about British politics and associated matters. Contact

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