Podcast Ep. 23: Paris Attacks, Cameron Letter Against Cuts & Starbucks Red Cups Outrage

French Tricolour on National Gallery, by Jimmy Nicholls

Jazza and Jimmy are back with an episode bringing you this week’s news, politics and debate, covering a major terrorist attack in a European capital, the British premier’s contradictory position on austerity, and Starbucks’ Christmas cups.

First up they discuss the still-developing story of the Paris terrorist attacks and their implications for civil liberties, social media and multiculturalism.

Then they turn to David Cameron, the prime minister who thinks that the cuts that he is implementing shouldn’t affect front-line services in his constituency. Is he really this oblivious to the effects of his policies?

And lastly, there has apparently been a lot of hullabaloo about the new Starbucks Christmas cups not having anything Christmas about them. Jazza and Jimmy, however, wonder whether there was any outrage in the first place…

Image Credit – French Tricolour on National Gallery, by Jimmy Nicholls

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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