Podcast Ep. 26: Bombing Syria (again), French elections and Sam Pepper’s phoney murder

Prime minister David Cameron’s contentious decision to bomb Syria dominates the podcast this week, as Jazza and Jimmy are joined by Myles Dyer, a cyber-philanthropist and YouTuber.

In the first segment Myles lays out his concerns about the vote in the Commons to bomb Syria as well as the West’s general involvement in the region, issues he also discusses in a video from his YouTube channel.

We then turn to the French regional elections that are happening this weekend and next, asking how significant the events in Paris last month will be in spurring Marine Le Pen’s Front National to the top of the polls.

Lastly we look at a video from YouTuber Sam Pepper in which he faked a kidnapping and murder, causing much outrage on the Internet. So just another week online?

Image Credit – Marine Le Pen by Blandine Le Cain; Don’t Bomb Syria protesters by Alisdare Hickson; and Sam Pepper by Gage Skidmore

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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