Podcast Ep. 33: The UN’s Assange verdict, Cameron’s EU Deal and Matt LeBlanc on Top Gear

RD E33, Julian Assange, EU Flag, Matt LeBlanc

A UN panel’s view that Julian Assange is being “arbitrarily detained”, David Cameron’s prospective deal with the EU and the announcement that Friends’ Matt LeBlanc will host Top Gear are the three topics Jimmy and John tackle in this week’s podcast.

Firstly we turn to Assange, the WikiLeaks’ founder currently holed up in an Ecuadorian embassy in London, who this week was deemed to be being “arbitrarily detained” by a UN panel, a view disputed by those who say he is merely evading arrest.

(For those interested in more on this topic, the We Steal Secrets documentary is well worth watching.)

We next cover the prime minister’s deal with the EU for some extra protections for Britain against “ever closer union”, widely dismissed as a flop by all but the most ardent backers of the European club.

Lastly, and most strangely, Matt LeBlanc – better known as Joey from the sitcom Friends – is to co-host Top Gear alongside the BBC’s Chris Evans. Much bafflement occurs.

Image Credit – Julian Assange, October 2011 by DonkeyHotey; EU Flag, April 2008 by R/DV/RS; and Matt LeBlanc, September 1995 by Alan Light

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