Hiding behind Western illiberalism is a poor defence of Islam

It was inevitable that the slaughter at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on January 7th would excite comment on the strained relations between the West and Islam, and the London press was among many who obliged during the last week.

After a three day manhunt heavily chronicled by journalist around the world, and subsequent rallies in France attended by 3.7 million across France on Sunday, the publication of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo is set to further concentrate minds on the constraints of free speech.

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Cameron’s TV dodging is tactically astute

There have been two big moves from 10 Downing Street in the last week concerning the place of TV debates in the run-up to the general election.

The first was a decision to avoid a debate between the major British parties unless the left-wing Greens were allowed in. The other was a last minute retreat from a promised appearance on Leaders Live, in which youths can put questions to party leaders.

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