Podcast Ep. 163: The Open-Ended and General Law-Breaking Society

This week we discuss the new job of everyone’s favourite onion-munching Australian prime minister Tony Abbott, the general law-breaking of Boris Johnson’s government, and whether it’s appropriate to classify teenagers as LGBT.

Joining us is Jazza’s straight Tinder profile.

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Give me remakes or give me death

In life there are few certainties. Death, or course. Taxes, probably. And only slightly less likely is that Nintendo will re-release Super Mario World this year.

I say that with affection. To a large extent Nintendo was my childhood. Before picking up the guitar or logging into Reddit to insult people about their politics, I played Nintendo games. But playing through World for the umpteenth time on Switch, it’s hard not to feel the company runs purely on the fumes of past successes.

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Where are the mostly violent riots?

Journalists have lately become acutely aware of the narrow slice of life they showcase. Tom Chivers of UnHerd represents the best of this trend, covering a range of statistical bloopers, biases and other media shortcomings. In short, the news is not reality, but a view on it.

Others are less concerned with rigorous accuracy, instead focusing on whether it’s good for their ‘narrative’, as the pseuds say. As a result, this summer we’ve been treated to news reports about “mostly peaceful” riots across the Western world, sometimes accompanied with footage of smashed buildings, or even smashed people.

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Podcast Ep. 162: Wet-Arse Podcast

This week we discuss the new (old) leader of the Liberal Democrats, the new (old) prejudice against video games, and the new (old) outrage against the female sex drive in popular culture.

Joining us is Jimmy’s mature attitude to sex.

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Progressives for Nazi history

It’s a standard complaint in the progressive critique of Britain’s collective memory that we are fixated on the Second World War. Schoolchildren know this already; anyone else can step into a bookshop – mask on face – and head to the history section, which covers little else.

This year’s statue toppling was a particularly visual reminder of our contested history, but many of the same arguments were aired during a squabble over the history curriculum in 2013. Michael Gove, then education secretary, had outlined a British-centric timeline of world events, but later recanted under protest.

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