Podcast Ep. 122: Merry Brexmas (Part 2)

RD 122 Grumpy Santa

In the last episode of the year Jazza demands three predictions for 2019 – a conceit Jimmy does not appreciate. Find out whether we think next year will see a second referendum/people’s vote/loser’s vote, the return of Hillary Clinton to the presidential race, and a rise in people being nicked for saying naughty things online.

Image based on Grumpy Santa, December 2014 by Richard Elzey

Podcast Ep. 121: Merry Brexmas (Part 1)

Merry Brexmas Grinch

In the first of what should prove a two part special, we discuss the last week in British parliamentary politics. Highlights include Theresa May’s dodging of the meaningful vote, her attempted ousting by backbenchers, and the prospects of a second referendum. Plenty of Brexit.

Image based on Telus Santa Claus Parade, December 2017 by GoToVan

Podcast Ep. 120: Concern Mounts Over Ukip Capture of Tommy Robinson

RD120 Tommy Robinson Ukip radicalisation

Some of what’s happened around Brexit these past few weeks, Taiwan’s rejection of gay marriage in a referendum, and Ukip’s hiring of Tommy Robinson are the three topics this week. Also: Nigel Farage vs Carole Cadwalladr.

Joining us are accusations of book-cooking due to our lazy updating of our Patreon account.

Image based on Tommy Robinson demonstration in Copenhagen, May 2018 by Kristoffer Trolle

Peterloo is a pro-Brexit film

Peterloo is quite a dull film. Its settings are mostly drab, many characters are unsympathetic, and the final riot is anticlimactic.

Among the film’s most glaring flaws is the cartoonish portrayal of all the poshos as psychopaths or idiots. Tim McInnerny’s turn as the prince regent, later George IV, even evokes his time in Blackadder, which generally showed aristocrats as the latter.

The feting of Mike Leigh, Peterloo’s director, by Corbynites and progressives is thus intuitive enough, and more so than the attempts by some to recast Peterloo as a significant event in British history worth including in school curriculums.

But in attacking the ruling political, military and judicial elites as variously out of touch, callous or careless, the film is convincingly pro-Brexit, in spite of Leigh’s implication that “intelligent, working people” were misled in the referendum.

The central complaint of the film is that working people need more say over their lives, and particularly that all men should be given the vote (and perhaps even women).

This is the same call for British “sovereignty” (read: lawmaking powers) to be returned from Brussels, and for Westminster politicians to stop pursuing policies that clash with voters’ wishes.

Anti-democracy campaigners may be less sneering today than their forebears, but they are just as convinced that they know best, and that people of quality – previously breeding, now education – should take decisions on behalf of the great unwashed mass of thickies.

Nothing drawn from watching Peterloo would incline you to agree.

Podcast Ep. 119: The March of the Remoaners

RD 119 Alastair Campbell vote against voting

A belated analysis of the People’s “Loser’s” Vote, the investigation into Arron Bank’s funding of Leave.EU, Waitrose Food’s editor’s mauling of vegans, and Nation Police Chiefs’ Council chair Sara Thornton’s call to focus on burglary over misogyny are the three-ish topics this week.

Joining us Alastair Campbell, who demands a rethink of the topic selection.

Image based on Alastair Campbell, June 2014 by the Financial Times

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