Podcast Ep. 95: Social Justice Types Mull Trigger Warnings For Life

Right Dishonourable - SJWs trigger warning life

Revelations that Oxbridge is full of posh twats, accusations of Russian skulduggery in the Brexit vote, and trigger warnings for university snowflakes/hard nuts studying Shakespeare are the three topics this week.

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George Osborne Is Not A ‘Private Citizen’

George Osborne tripping - Right Dishonourable

I must admit upfront a sneaking sympathy for George ‘Gideon’ Osborne, the former British chancellor, Robin to prime minister David Cameron’s Batman, and latterly editor of the London Evening Standard.

If Boy George sought popularity when deciding to vie for public office, he has not achieved it. When you ask progs about him he reliably draws sneers of disgust, much like Cameron or – another member of their cohort – education secretary Michael Gove. Or indeed any leading Tory.

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Podcast Ep. 94: Br xit Is H p enin Pl se Se d He p

RD E94 Hindenburg disaster Tory conference

Continual strife in Catalonia over independence, Theresa May’s disastrous Tory conference, and our latest argument over tuition fees (following the actual Conservative policy to freeze them) are the three topics this week.

Joining us is the comforting knowledge that this podcast is more competent than Britain’s ruling party.

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Podcast Ep. 93: Uber London Seeks Appeal On Whether ‘No Means No’

Travis Kalanick blurred lines

The shock decision by Transport for London not to renew Uber’s licence to prowl the city’s streets (surely offer affordable, convenient taxi services? – Ed) and Spain’s stifling of an extralegal referendum on Catalan independence from Madrid are the two topics our heroes chew over this week.

In the final segment journalist Felix Simon speaks to us about the recent German elections, which saw Angela Merkel win a deflated victory amid a rise in support for Alternative für Deutschland, a party which contains legit Nazis.

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Podcast Ep. 92: Rees-Mogg Calls Toxic Masculinity ‘Jolly Good Idea’

RD92 Jacob Rees Mogg toxic masculinity

The prospect of 17th century prime minister Jacob Rees-Mogg, AI that can allegedly tell if you’re gay or straight by looking at your face, and comedian Robert Webb’s crusade against toxic masculinity are the three topics this week.

Joining us are our traumatic memories of throwing like girls in the school playground.

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