Podcast Ep. 89: Google Pioneers Post-literacy Approach For Staff Complaints

RD Google wrongthink

The sacking of a Googler after an alleged ‘anti-diversity screed’, newspaper attacks on a student activist tweeting about the Dalston riots, and Britain’s pro-consumer data protection rules are the three topics this week.

Joining us is YouTuber Taha Khan, who can be found on the video site and Twitter.

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Podcast Ep. 88: Lefties Mount Uni Coup To Genetically Exterminate Tories

Right Dishonourable – Michael Gove Blob revenge

A poll revealing a rise in ‘Brextremism’ in both leave and remain camps, the alleged leftwing takeover of British universities, and a breakthrough in genetic medicine for preventing disease are the three topics this week.

If you like what we do throw us a few quid through Patreon.

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Podcast Ep. 87: Corbyn Caught Out In Student Double Entendre

Right Dishonourable Corbyn Back For Good

Labour’s equivocating on such trivia as tuition fees and Britain’s membership of the single market, Tory plans to make it easier to change your legal gender, and the proposal to force wankers (Ed – Porn watchers?) to identify themselves online are the three topics this week.

Joining us is journalist and author Tim Marshall, who can be found on Twitter and The What & The Why.

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Podcast Ep. 86: King Cable Asks ‘What’s Wrong With Being Sexy?’

RD86 Vince Cable soon to be dead

Vince Cable’s positioning of the Lib Dems prior to his inevitable coronation, a second unofficial independence referendum in Catalonia, and the British advertising regulator’s plans to ban “sexist” ads are the three topics for this week.

Our new begging/tips jar can be found on our Patreon.

Image based on Vince Cable and Will Hutton, June 2013 by the Financial Times



Without consent there is no honourable case for remaining in the EU

March for Europe, July 2016 by mazz_5

A year ago I predicted that Britain was almost certain to trigger Article 50 and begin exiting the EU, after a narrow but clear victory for “leave” in the referendum.

So it has proved. In March prime minister Theresa May sent a letter to Brussels indicating that Britain will leave the bloc after 40 years’ membership. Legal commentary saw it as inevitable that once the article was invoked Britain would make for the exit, albeit with some resistance.

Now, who knows?

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