Podcast Ep. 8: Lord Sewel, Calais’s Migrant Crisis & Cecil The Lion

This week Jazza & Jimmy plough into the Lord Sewel controversy and which particular bit of his behaviour (snorting cocaine off of sex workers’ breasts included) was the most immoral. Is it time we reassessed the House of Lords?


Calais has a SWARM of migrants trying to get into the UK. That ‘swarm’ actually only includes 5000 individuals… so what’s the bug deal? They’re all technically still asylum seekers until proven otherwise, right? What can we do?


Finally, Cecil. Zimbabwe’s finest was shot by an American dentist. What a way to go! We discuss whether it’s fair that the shooter, Walter Palmer, has been dragged over the coals for this.


This episode will also only come out of one ear… technical difficulties… soz lol!

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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