Podcast Ep. 37: Queenie on Brexit, Islamic State job applications & International Wimmin’s Day

RD E37, The Queen, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, We Can Do It poster

In your weekly slice of political chatter, the gang ponders whether Lizzie Windsor really does back Brexit, what qualifications you need to join Islamic State, and what exactly the point is of International Women’s Day.

Our first segment comes off the back of a story in the Sun which alleges that the Queen wishes Britain to leave the EU. Complaints followed to the press authority, the name of which our panel has much trouble remembering.

A trove of Islamic State files were passed first to German spies and then to Sky News. In them 22,000 people’s details are said to reside, but seemingly only the experienced should apply.

Lastly we look at International Women’s Day following the roaring success of our previous segment on men. Feminazis, safe spaces and all that good/bad stuff are attacked/defended by the usual suspects.

Image Credit – Queen Elizabeth II, December 2012 by the Foreign Office; Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by Thierry Ehrmann; We Can Do It, 1943 by J. Howard Miller

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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