Podcast Ep. 48: Clinton’s Victory, EU Referendum Debates & The Voter Registration Deadline

RD E48 Hillary Clinton, Nigel Farage

Hillary Clinton’s victory over Bernie Sanders, a plethora of debates on the EU referendum and an IT glitch that nearly disenfranchised some late sign-ups to the vote are our three topics this week as we’re joined by YouTuber/actor Daniel J Layton.

First, Hillary Clinton has become the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, but why does everyone seem to hate her? Can she beat Donald Trump? Who will be her VP pick? And who the hell is Gary Johnson?

Next: why the hell there are so many debates in the run up to the EU referendum? Are they any good? And how much of a liability is Nigel Farage for Vote Leave?

Finally, the voter registration deadline was extended after a technical glitch. Is this millennials failing to take control of their democratic right? Or should we make voter registration more accessible?

Image Credit – Hillary Clinton & Nigel Farage by DonkeyHotey

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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