Podcast Ep. 59: Ukip Leadership Round 2, Child Refugee Checks & Too Many Graduates

Raheem Kassam Make Ukip Hate Again

This week we look at the Kippers’ second leadership contest in several months, a controversial proposal to check refugees’ age through their teeth, and a report claiming Britain has too many graduates.

Starting off, we examine the challengers to head up Britain’s purple team in the form of Suzanne Evans, Paul “The Rebuttal” Nuttall and Breitbart’s pick of Raheem Kassam.

We then explore whether dental checks can be used to test the age of refugees, and whether the press’s coverage of the issue is “immoral” – to quote one of our hosts.

And lastly, are there too many students in Britain? New Labour didn’t think so, but a recent report claims that the country’s labour market has a surplus of graduates.

Image based on Raheem Kassam portrait

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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