Podcast Ep. 56: Crumpet Debates, Corbyn’s Victory Party & May Readies Brexit

Clinton vs Trump by DonkeyHotey

Clinton vs Trump, Labour vs Momentum and Theresa May vs Brexit are our three bouts for this week’s triple header podcast.

First in the ring are American presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, who last week debated each other in the first of several television duels.

Next up, Jeremy Corbyn’s second victory in a Labour leadership election set the scene for the party’s annual conference in Liverpool, a city which also hosted an event from the pressure group Momentum.

And, to finish off, we discuss British prime minister Theresa May’s plans to remove the UK from the EU, with the legal mechanism Article 50 due to be invoked by next March.

Correction: Transposing European regulations to Britain is difficult because different institutions and laws need to be referenced during the rewrite, not because of the common/civil law distinction.

Image Credit – Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, February 2016 by DonkeyHotey

The Podcast
A weekly show covering the key trends in politics.

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